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About me

My soul's mission is to be a messenger of love. My spiritual power is that I am a translator of the language of thought, language of feeling, the language of the body and the language of your soul. I have been communicating with the spirit world since I can remember. 


My life has not been all roses and I have freed myself from trauma, fears, doubt, uncertainty, a lot of mindfuck and was able to unite with the mission of my soul. This involved a lot of patience, trial and error, losing people, finding myself in challenging situations, taking risks and having courage. I share my life story with you in my auto biography and I invite you to work together in a grounding, loving and safe way. Spiritual awakening, growth and carrying out your task is not that easy in a world that is stuck in old patterns. It is up to us to build the new world and create new patterns.


I am an educated therapist for more then 20 years. I worked in the Netherlands. Had my own therapeutic practice, dance and yoga studio. Later I combine my work into a Therapeutic yoga centre. At this moment I am a retreat host in Spain and I work local and online with one on one sessions.

Are you also on your spiritual path and in your personal transformation and do you need a like-minded person and guidance? Read my book and join one of my programs!

Maneesha Sluyzer - biografie

Would you like to know more about my life story? I wrote my autobiography called: I am love. Only in Dutch.


My biografie is momenteel alleen nog in het Nederlands verkrijgbaar met een zachte cover.



Since childhood, Maneesha has sensed the spiritual world and she started working as a medium and therapist. Guides people to find their way back to their feelings and connect with the love power of the spiritual world. In her book you can read her personal journey and how she had to break free from old patterns to live the life for which she came to earth. How she came into contact with her spiritual guides, soul children and learned that the other world, which she has felt all her life, is truth. She takes you to think about your own life and the events in your life and finally to the core of love.

I Am love OS.jpg

Read here some of my most important transformational life lessons.

1980 I come from a warm family with a family history of trauma

One of my earliest memories was being exposed to death in primary school. For me, death was not a farewell, but I knew 'when we die, we will see those we love again'. I told a friend that she didn't have to cry about her cat because she would see it again soon. This was weird for my girlfriend and this was the first time I thought “am I weird for thinking and saying this?” Some things made perfect sense to me. Just like the voice in my head that told me things, showed me the way when I lost it and spoke to me with love. My father's family survived the Auschwitz camps, but not all of their family and friends. The war and fear have been a common thread in my life. My father always said “if God existed, everyone wouldn't have been killed”. When my father was dead and I communicated more with the other world, I realized “God does exist, because my grandparents survived and that is why I am here.” I learned that love is the strength you need to survive.

2000 the death of my father


Brought me deeper into contact with my paranormal gifts. My father had an accident in the water and lived in a deep coma for another 3 weeks when the doctors said, 'there is no life left in him if we stop the ventilator'. His death was one of life's greatest lessons in pain and loss. He became a guide in my dreams and took me to the other world, to the other side. He made me feel that I was clairsentient. Because of his energetic presence that I felt and no one else, I knew that the spiritual world can communicate with you in different ways. I still had contact with my father and I saw deceased people and heard their message and felt their energy. I was always cold, but I had my father's love by my side and I felt it in my heart and that allowed me to trust my soul.

2006 Near death experience 

My near death experience in an accident gave me back the memory that it is about love for me on earth. I felt myself going up through a channel of light and it was lightning fast. I heard a lot of laughter, I felt “what do you think you are doing” and the sentence “You go back and he stays here”. It was clear, it was not my time but my brother-in-law's. A perception of time changed, there was a different silence inside me. I spent 2 years working on my 'mental, emotional and physical trauma'. 2 years later I was pain free and I felt, there is more in this life that I can discover.

2009 Mediumship

I was writing my thesis and completing my studies as a haptotherapist while I started my training as a medium. I knew I wasn't going to complete this course because I had to travel. What I started doing in 2011. During the training I learned that I had a waiting room of people who wanted me to convey their message to their loved ones. It came easy to me. I learned that I was clairaudient and my clairsentience became stronger. I could feel deceased people within myself and I became them. It was something natural because I had felt them all my life and I spoke to them telepathically in my own way. Now healing, reading and making contact via a method were added. I lived in a period with many mediums, healers and readers around me, in which I received and was able to give many messages.

2011 kundalini heart opening

I was in a 5-week training 'hatha tantra and ayurveda' in which we did spiritual exercises every day such as pujas, mantras, yoga, breathwork, meditation, satsang, devotion, fire ceremonies and deep rest and relaxation. One day while we were chanting I felt like I was on a roller coaster and I was being pulled back. I felt something slide down in my tailbone and I felt energy rising in my spine. I felt like I was screaming out loud, but according to my neighbor at that moment I was silent. I thought it was bizarre because I felt like I was exploding. My teacher called it a heart opening and kundalini experience. I had many moments of unity during that training. I saw the space with the people change from this reality to a black and white pixel reality with my eyes open. I saw the layers of illusion and the truth. I felt a love so strong within myself and I learned to be grateful.

2013 I opened my own therapeutic yoga center

My work came together. I was back from traveling and received the message from my supervisors to open my own center back in the Netherlands and I did so. For 2 years I enjoyed my own playing field that I had created for myself. I developed my Embodiment training, taught yoga classes, pilates and had my own practice. I had to extend my contract and I noticed that I no longer had the energy to do everything on my own and keep all the balls in the air. Financially, things hit a low point and I decided not to renew my contract, with the result that everything I had invested in building the layout of the path my way had to be demolished. I had to demolish €30,000 in material investment. This was painful for me.

2016 QHHT sessions

I had closed my center and I was a bit stressed. I had everything and now I had nothing. I started my practice at home and taught one more yoga class in the city. Dolores Cannon came my way with her Quantum healing hypnosis technique. In my own first session I came into contact with one of my spirit guides Hubert, an ET. He told me that I forgot our contract and he is helping me help people on earth. I didn't know what was happening to me and what I was feeling. I was floating through the Universe and I felt so much unconditional love. It made me laugh, it was so beautiful. In another session I met Aurealis. One of my other mentors who helps me in my mission to help people open their hearts and step into love consciousness. I have experienced so many beautiful and special sessions that I have no doubts about the reason why we are on earth, different realities, dimensions and life in different forms.

2019 Channeling

After a few years of giving hypnosis sessions, I heard the message: what the session can do, you can do too. I started with a 'weekend training' channeling and this was enough to get me started in allowing my guides to speak and work with them. Aurealis and Hubert have helped guide many people with their life questions and mission. Later the masters of the Light joined, just like Toth and I have the experience of being one with the source.

2022 Spain

I felt and heard the calling to leave the Netherlands and live in Spain. Through an ayahuasca journey and a trance healing it became clear that I could live in an environment in nature where the energy is higher. In Spain my work came together again in the form of in-depth spiritual retreats. Together with a good friend and my 5 cats, I left with my car to Spain where I currently live alone on a mountain with a sea view surrounded by mountains. I have chickens and a dog named Kiano.


I noticed that my supervisors asked more of me and wanted me to make myself seen and heard internationally. My focus changed from coaching to satsang, where together with my supervisors I can guide more people to a different level of consciousness. Through retreats, vlogs on YouTube and events online and offline, I am a channel in which I share my knowledge and wisdom together with my spiritual guides and give people answers to life's questions and pass on messages from their loved ones.

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