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1:1 Guidance for you

Tell me all about you and your life story

Your traumas, lessons, obstacels, insecurities, relationships

Loving healing starts here

Are you looking for answers to your life situation?

Do you want more connection, self-love, positivity, trust and relaxation in your life?  Are you struggling and need guidance?


You don't have to do it alone! I can help!


You are at the right place at the right time

I offer a unique form of spiritual guidance where I support you in your healing & transformation process.


I work with people who feel that they are ment for more. Do you want to feel more connected to yourself and others, more loving and meaning to life? Are you ready for your own truth and connect to your inner power again?

Me and my spirit team are your guides!

This is for you if you want to go from this:

Burn out
Fear and insecurity
Emotional pain

Not knowing and doubt
Grieve & Loss
Healing from a disease
Dealing with health issues
Re-connecting to society

To this:

Feeling balanced and grounded
Trusting and loving
Emotional freedom
Stand in your truth and power

Healthy and content
Being you
Having a positive mind
Listening to your intuition and body language
Empowerment & Tribe power

 Come back to your centre and trust your heart again!


Why work with me?

Am I the right coach for you?

  • Hollistic guidance and support
    With more than 20 years of having my own practice and teaching experience, I have guided many people to heal mentally, emotionally, physically, energetically and living an inspired life. I have overcome my own trauma's and healed at a deep level.

  • Impactful and goal-oriented
    Your life matters, and your calling is great. I guide you to new depths of consciousness and fulfillment. Together with my team, we will personally guide you to new breakthroughs. I am a master at helping you remove layers to reveal your authentic truth. You will receive a practical plan to guide you to the life you dream of.

  • Authentic Alignment
    By working with me and my team you will train to cultivate greater self-compassion, self-esteem, self-confidence and clarity. The more in touch you are with yourself, the easier and happier your life will be.

Your options in working with me
Online 1 on 1 sessions

  • Available Online

    60 minuten sessie voor verdieping in je persoonlijke proces

    1 hr

    90 euro
  • Available Online

    Ontmoet mijn spirituele team en ontvang boodschappen over je zielenrei...

    1 hr

    125 euro
  • Available Online

    Boek je energie reading hier voor inzicht en antwoorden in je proces. ...

    30 min

    55 euro
  • Available Online

    6 sessies van 60 minuten inclusief 24/7 contact en online programma's

    1 hr

    750 euro
  • Available Online

    10 guiding sessions of 1 hour, acces to all my workbooks & online prog...

    1 hr

    1.111 euro

  • Loading days...

    45 euro

  • Loading days...

    88 euro
  • Your spiritual path to healing and transformation

    From 950 euro

We all need guidance as we find ourselves in transition or ascension
Whether it concerns coaching, therapy, reading, meditation, silence, nature, people, animals, spiritual guides, lucid dreaming, hypnosis, plant medicine or sports
We need to know that we are doing well and that we are on the right track. You need someone who understands what you're going through. That is normal.
Feel connected, you are important.

Receive your healing guidance and come into wholeness.

Are you interested in loving guidance?
Send me a messages and I will connect with you!

Please take a moment to fill out the form.

Thanks for submitting!

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