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 Maneesha & 

The Masters of the Light

Angelic Aurealis & ET Hubert

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The Journey to Recovery and Happiness

Quiet your mind, experience your body and connect with
your true self.

Feel freer, healthier and happier by letting go of baggage from the past and investing in the relationship with yourself

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Are you ready to release what no longer serves you?
To welcome love, connection, strength, and joy?


Are these things that you recognize and that seem to hold you back on the road

to a happy and fulfilled life?

  • A lot in your head

  • Quick negative thinking

  • Critical voices that keep breaking you down

  • Physical complaints (headache, feeling depressed, changing emotions, ...)

  • Seeking happiness in activities outside yourself

Then it is time to take your life back into your own hands and reconnect with your wishes and needs.


You don't have to be trapped in a vicious cycle of pain and stories from the past that continue to haunt you.

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Living from Your Heart

The world often teaches us to survive rather than truly live. We adapt, please others, ignore our deepest desires, and get caught in expectations. But your true nature is love, joy, and freedom. When you learn how to consciously guide your energy, emotions, and thoughts, a path of inner peace and fulfillment

opens up.


You Are the Key to Your Happiness

You have a choice. Will you continue on autopilot, or will you give yourself permission to truly feel, heal, and shine? Take time for yourself. Put yourself first. Watch how the outside world transforms when you heal from within.

My Book and workbook

The Path to Healing and Transformation

What if your painful experiences no longer defined your present? What if fear, sorrow, guilt, and shame lost their grip on you? Your past does not have to define you. You have the power to heal old wounds, release limiting beliefs, and create a life that resonates with your soul’s purpose.


That’s why I wrote my book I Am Love: to show that pain doesn’t have to be your final destination. And with the workbook The Soul’s Roadmap, you’ll receive practical tools to identify your blockages and transform them into growth.

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 Work with Maneesha

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About me

My name is Maneesha, and together with my Spirit team, I help you remember who you truly are. I provide you with the tools to stay connected to yourself in both difficult and joyful moments of life. Learn to remain calm, positive, and loving, regardless of the situation. Discover how to live from your heart instead of merely surviving through stress, fear, and old pain.

The question is: are you ready to listen?


With my 20 years of experience as a therapist and 25 years as a teacher, I have developed a method that helps you to deepen and improve your relationship with love. Love is your essence and through the events in your life, you have developed different mechanisms that keep you away from love within yourself. I have divided my offering into my spiritual school for freedom and fulfillment. I have a method and different levels in which you can grow. Currently I live in Spain and work online and hosting retreats in my house.

My offers

Image by Pawel Nolbert

"I had been walking around for years with a piece of unprocessed grief that I didn't know how to tackle. In recent years I have already sought help from various sources, but no one could really get me to the core. After one week with Maneesha, so much has changed for me! She knew how to get me to the core, to give me insights and tools so that I could also get started with this myself. This week has brought me so many beautiful things, it has really exceeded all my expectations. After all those years of being locked up, I finally feel like I am connected to myself again and that life is smiling at me againšŸ˜Š It has been such an incredibly beautiful and special week, I would really wish this for everyone!"

Anne de Louter - Retreat Spain

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