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ChannelingMediumship, Reading
Spiritual coaching

Connect to the loving presence
of universal consciousness
Trance Medium Maneesha
Receive messages, answers and guidance from above

Through channeling, mediumship, coaching, readings and other energy healing techniques, I strive to help you unlock the power of love consciousness. I believe that everyone has the potential for greatness and I am here to help them tap into that.


So, if you are ready to take your life and yourself to the next level, join me on this private session with my guides and let’s get started!

I am dedicated to helping people reach their highest potential. I have spent the last few years working on spiritual growth and development, and I am passionate about sharing my knowledge and experience with others.

I was born with my spiritual gifts to hear, feel and see. I walk a soul path with a soul mission. My goal is to remember who I am and guide as many people as possible into the love consciousness. This is how we can keep the earth healthy and break the age-long circles of power, abuse and oppression.


As a medium I communicate with deceased people who have lived on earth and I can convey messages from them.  As a trance medium I see, hear and feel energies, people and beings from different dimensions.  As a channeler I work with "the masters of the light". They are a collective of healing power and universal consciousness.

Also I work together with Aurealis and Hubert. They are my guides and speakers of my soul group. Aurealis comes from the Angelic realm and as a soul group they guard the order in the Universe. Hubert is a friend of mine from the galactic dimension. You can also call him a blue Alien.

They help me heal people, open hearts and pass on unconditional love. They like to work with you and it is therefore possible for you to work with them through me.

These sessions are unique, spot on and full of insights.

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