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Heal and love yourself unconditionally.
I believe that the most powerful way to heal is through self-love and acceptance.

My mission is to help you find freedom and joy in life, to break through your inner blocks, and to create a life filled with love and abundance.

Become the best version of yourself. 

This program is for you if you are:

A independent entrepreneur or spiritual seeker and

  • want to stay centered in the difficult times of life,

  • to stand in your strength,

  • maintain loving relationships and

  • to take good care of yourself

  • empowering others by sharing your talent, knowledge and power


I believe that life is a chain of experiences and perceptions. Positive and painful. We understand that it's hard to deal with the painful moments, but we also believe that we can learn how to use them to make us stronger. That is why I offer a range of services to help you heal your heart and learn to love yourself and life again.

Enjoying and being happy is an art, just like standing in your strength, stepping out of your victimhood, indicating boundaries, allowing emotional pain, changing mental thinking patterns, having and maintaining nice loving relationships and, in particular, taking good care of yourself.

In my work as a therapist, teacher and trance medium over the past 20 years I have heard many traumatic and intense stories, seen physical complaints reduce, promoted emotional and mental health and seen people reconnected to their heart, higher self and quality of life improve.

Heal to Empower and Love is about taking responsibility for your own health and happiness in life. Life doesn't happen to you, you create it yourself.

Heal to Love online program 6 months

I take you into inspired leadership in which you have ownership of your own emotions and thoughts. Where you are connected to your own soul, higher power, higher self and you can be guided by a loving positive empowering leader within. We look at how you can use your talents and gifts as simply as possible so that you can effortlessly be yourself and cooperate with the higher energies so that you can manifest and attract what belongs to you to live and work well.


You come to deep relaxation and make contact with your body in peace and softness. You open inwards and experience peace and contentment within yourself. Your breath becomes the key to calming your nervous system and this regulation provides vitality, focus, concentration and discipline.


You will look at power with different eyes. You perceive the life behind you through a higher consciousness and with a loving look you connect to the common thread of your life. Your soul mission becomes clear to you as well as your life lessons and purpose.


Relationships come to be seen in a different light, especially the relationship with yourself. You are going to put yourself on 1 and empower yourself, be loved, feel love and give what you need. Because the relationship with yourself is transparent, intimate, pure and loving, other relationships and forms will change positively and true love will begin to live within yourself.


You will heal your trauma's with the support of the love consciousness. When love enters your consciousness you will feel supported, guided, understand and loved. It will be so much easier to deal with your old emotional wounds and pain, with the egodrama and your negative thoughts you create. You will make the difference between your ego who is in survival mode or in a positieve love mode. 

My guidance services provide the support and structure needed to help you move forward in your journey of self-healing and self-love. I will walk with you every step of the way, guiding you through the process and offering personalized advice tailored to your individual needs. With my help, you can regain a sense of self-worth and start to live a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

So let's book your session and start right now!

One on one online program for 6 months

Within 6 months we will work on

  • Shifting consciousness

  • Healing trauma

  • Connecting to higher self and soul team

  • Regulate emotions and nervous system

  • Trusting the language of the body

  • Re-programming the mind and subconscious mind

  • Opening to the 5 dimensions of love


Empowerment, Awakening & Embodiment

Through sessions of:

  • Coaching

  • Bodywork - haptonomie

  • Yoga

  • Breathe techniques

  • Meditation

  • Akasha records

  • Qhht - hypnosis

  • Tantra

  • Writing and reflection

  • Affirmations



We will work online and I am also your support offline. We have sessions of 60 or 90 minutes and you can reach me by mail and whatsapp in between.



We will work together for 6 months where you will receive 20 hours of working together. How we spend it will depend on your needs. A qhht session will take 3 hours. And most of the time it is good to have 2 sessions and maybe 3. Most of the sessions are 1,5 hours. Next to the online sessions you will receive videos to follow and watch in your own time. 


Let's Work Together

Book your free online zoom session for 15 minutes if you are interested in this program and have some questions

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