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Heal and love yourself unconditionally.
I believe the most powerful way to heal is through self-love and acceptance.
My mission is to help you find freedom and joy in life, to break through your inner blocks and to create a life full of love and abundance.
Become the best version of yourself.
With love
One-on-one sessions are for you if you:
A self-employed entrepreneur or spiritual seeker and
want to stay centered in the difficult times of life
need coaching for support and guidance in your process
want to stand in your power
are looking for answers
your soul's missions
want answers to life lessons
want to maintain loving relationships and
take good care of yourself
want to empower others by sharing your talent, knowledge and strength
1 uur
225 euro- Online beschikbaarMeer informatie
Ontmoet mijn spirituele team en ontvang boodschappen over je zielenreis
1 uur
125 euro - Online beschikbaarMeer informatie
Boek je energie reading hier voor inzicht en antwoorden in je proces. Ondersteund door kaarten.
30 min.
55 euro 1 uur
150 euro
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