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Awaken your soul and radiant love,
abundance, wealth and health

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Transform to the life you are destined to life

Are you struggling in life, very sensitive and looking for connection, trust and love?


You don’t fit in this world

But your inner world is not in peace

You know you have to change

You’ve tried a lot and now you have found me!


For a lot of people I am confronting and a step too far but for a lot of sensitive people I have the answers and I am your end station. That is why my retreat centre in Spain is called

SOUL STATION. I know your way back home.


Work with me, because it is time for you to be and happy
Heal through connecting with your higher self


My program is called BEING YOU


Do you want to attract love, friendships, relationships, family, money,

health, wealth and abundance in your life?


BEING YOU gives you the soul fulfillment you are looking for and the answers you are waiting for.

You have all the answers inside and you need a guide who is able to show you. BEING ME and my spirit team are here to change your life for the good.

You are a beautiful multidimensional soul who came to earth with lessons, goals and a purpose and Yes you have a free will too. You became a version of you as your personality in a 3 dimensional world. How you are raised and your education, environment and society you became you. Life gave you lessons, some high and some low and you learnt how to deal with pain, fear, rejection and abandonment. You have copingsmechanismes that will work against you or work for you.

BEING YOU is being who you truly are in body, mind and soul. You are this high vibrational energetic intelligence and consciousness. You are this beautiful, powerful, magical, funny, unique embodiment of divine love. Realizing who you truly are means you have to let go of control, fear, the self doubt, self sabotage, trust, have faith, believe, be thankful, forgive, and open up your heart.

Being vulnerable is a part of your soul’s journey. You are this intuitive healing powerful magical energetic soul in human form and you need to acces and activate your gifts and talents to unlock your soul’s abundance and wealth.


How I work and why

I work with groups and the reason is:

Working with another like minded is GOLD

You didn’t come alone into this planet and loneliness is the key to struggle. Learn to be vulnerable and have an intimate relationship with your human self, your higher self and others. We are all mirrors, teachers and students of life and each other. We are in this together. 

We need each other to thrive, to learn, to love and we need to be loved to evolve




I understand you and I feel you

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One guided session

Online Channeling - Reading - Coaching

50-60 minutes


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Online program

 1 . Healing & transformation
2 Work with Soul & Spirit


4 months 2- 4 persons each group



Small retreats 1- 4 persons in South Spain in a beautiful Villa with sea view and silence

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Join my online Support community BEING YOU

Where you can give and receive


Maneesha Sluyzer


As a therapist I walk with you in your healing and transformation journey

As a medium I guide you in the communication with your soul and spiritual world

As a divine channel I work with my spirit team to work with you intens at your BEING


About me

Life isn't easy, but stop surviving and start living

Together we thrive


Being me: I have been working with people for more then 15 years now. I've started my career as a dance teacher and found my way as a poster and movement therapist. I learnt that pain in bodies was stored energy and by moving, breathing, attention and a gentle touch the body would release energy and so started the healing path of pain.


I became a haptotherapist and yoga teacher and learnt that human beings are sentient beings who feel a connection with themselves, the other and the world around them. When the ability to connect is not well developed or damaged, it becomes difficult to make contact with the other person, but also with yourself. You often see that thinking predominates, which makes you feel removed from yourself. This can lead to dissatisfaction, unrest, to disrupted relationships and to the development or worsening of physical and/or psychological complaints. This therapy brings you into contact with your feelings and aims to bring balance between thinking, feeling and doing.


I was born psychic and after a lot of loss in my life, an accident and a near death experience my soul search began to deepen and divine love came on my path. I developed my medium and healing gifts in a school for mediumship and 3 years ago, I started channeling with my spirit guides Aurealis and Hubert. I worked for 6 years with hypnosis, the quantum healing hypnosis technic from Dolores Cannon. I guided a lot of people to connect with their higher selfs, source and past and other dimensional lives. A lot of deep healing, transformations and deep insights. 


I work together with my spirit team and I have the ability to travel through alternated dimensions and take you with me. In my meditations you can feel the energy and I work intuitive with you to go deep to the core so your soul can heal you and you feel the loving connection inside where you can have a safe landing to come home to yourself. 


It is about contact, connection, consciousness because good contact, both with yourself and with other persons, contributes to a meaningful (together) life. We are here to built a new world and the only thing we need to do is awaken the soul and remember who you are and why you are here. 



Come home

You are here for a reason and you are worthy of love

Choose love




Contact Me

SPAIN - Sayalonga - Provence Malaga

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